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The Keto Diet Can Be Affordable, Even With Inflation


The rift between the Democrats and Republicans is nothing compared to the chasm separating those on either side of the keto camp. But, love it or hate it, it's undeniable that the ketogenic diet has left its mark on the minds and waistlines of the country.

According to data gathered from Google Trends, however, interest in the ketogenic diet has never been lower, dropping 94% since its peak in May 2018.

What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet, or keto, is a diet that flips conventional wisdom on its head. Instead of eating low fat and restricting calories, keto proponents tell us to eat high fat until we're full.

The limitation, however (there's always a restriction somewhere when dieting), is that you must restrict carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are in starchy foods like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. However, quitting starchy foods is not enough to stay ‘in ketosis.' Most people on the ketogenic diet consume no fruit, root vegetables, or other foodstuff containing carbs.

Most recommend that you stay under 20g of net carbs daily to stay in ketosis. For reference, a single apple is 25g.

The preferred macronutrients by calorie split for ketogenic dieters:

  • 75% fat
  • 20% protein
  • 5% carbohydrate
  • For the uninitiated, the ketogenic diet seems absurd. “A slab of butter in my morning coffee, followed by eggs and bacon, will help me lose weight?”

    No matter how counterintuitive it may seem, the results speak for themselves. People's personal experiences fill every keto-related comment thread, and they've lost vast amounts of fat eating fat. I decided to try it in 2018 and lost 20 lbs in the first six weeks. So there's no doubt that the ketogenic diet is effective now, but how does it work?

    Ketones are the key. Ketones are an alternative fuel source the body can use if glucose (blood sugar) levels are low. Ketones are produced in the liver from fat cells. Once the body switches to this alternative energy source, it's said to be in ketosis.

    Weighing food on food scale

    A person in ketosis is essentially running on fat, that may be dietary fat, from a fatty cut of meat, for example, or stored body fat. This is how ketogenic dieters can achieve such extraordinary feats of fat loss. The body becomes so well adapted to using fat for energy that it willingly consumes body fat 24 hours a day.

    When Did Keto Become Popular?

    The ketogenic diet has been a known medical treatment for epilepsy since the 1920s, but it wasn't until 2016 that it became a popular diet people used to lose weight.

    As the diet began gaining traction in 2018, two influential celebrities further catapulted it into the mainstream: Kourtney Kardashian and Joe Rogan. Rogan published several keto-related podcasts in 2017 and 2018 with experts such as Dom D'Agostino, Ph.D. Kardashian wrote a blog post on February 27, 2018, titled “I Tried the Ketosis Diet.”

    It's no surprise that in New Year 2019, more people were Googling the “keto diet.” Since then, however, searches have only decreased, up ticking each January when everyone makes resolutions, but monthly searches have now fallen 94%.

    What Killed Keto?

    Most people Googling the “keto diet” were likely looking for a definition or quick summary to understand the diet. So it's natural now that most people know what keto is, these types of searches would go down. So instead, a better metric to track people using the diet is a search term like “keto lunch ideas,” which is more likely to be Googled by people on keto.

    For this term, since its peak in January 2019, it's fallen 60%.

    I spoke to industry expert Carine Claudepierre who runs Sweet as Honey, a website focused on low carb and keto diet recipes, and asked her if she was feeling the downturn.

    “I think we're at the point where the keto diet isn't a new thing anymore; it doesn't have anything to prove,” says Claudepierre.

    Most people are already aware of the ketogenic diet. They no longer need a top-level definition or summary, but there's more behind the dramatic loss of interest.

    “Keto recipes also cost more as they rely on expensive ingredients such as almond flour and avocados that have increased in price massively,” says Claudepierre.

    Inflation levels hit 13.1% for groceries in August, and stores across the country see increases in many goods, making already expensive keto foods simply out of reach for the budgets of most Americans.

    Can Keto Be Affordable?

    The ketogenic diet doesn't need to be expensive, you can swap the pricey foods for cheaper ones, but your meals will likely be repetitive and a little less inspired. If that's something you can sacrifice, keto can be affordable. Fatty cuts of meat are often cheaper than their lean counterparts, and leafy greens don't need to cost much.

    Look for goods on a keto shopping list that you could see yourself eating and won't break the bank.

    So why not buck the trend and make keto one of your goals this year?

    Does the Weight Stay Off?

    If you continue doing the ketogenic diet, the fat will continue to fall from you, but does it stay off when you shift back to a more traditional diet?

    Most find that if they return to their previous bad eating habits, the weight will return, but it doesn't have to be that way. The ketogenic diet is the perfect reset diet. So after the reset, you can potentially have a whole new life if you don't return to your bad eating habits. This was the draw of the ketogenic diet when it first gained popularity in 2018.

    Now that the novelty has worn off, however, fewer people are willing to undertake the intense restrictions that the ketogenic diet demands. Claudepierre sees it this way. “The keto diet is evolving from a restrictive, permanent diet to a more on-and-off diet.” The frequent fluctuations in the data would seem to agree.

    My own ketogenic journey continued for 18 months until covid hit in 2020. I became leaner than ever, and despite a lax diet throughout the pandemic, I only regained 10 lbs. So I'm now restarting my ketogenic journey and documenting it on Face Dragons.

    Should You Give It a Try?

    If you feel like you've already tried everything else and are committed to losing weight, the ketogenic diet is an excellent proven method to lose weight fast. It's very restrictive, but it will give you the desired results without starving yourself or enrolling in a Bootcamp.

    Keto flu is also a consideration. As the body goes through this change, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and low blood sugar can cause what's known as keto flu, flu-like symptoms in the initial adaptation phase. However, there are natural keto flu cures; the key is staying hydrated and keeping your electrolyte levels high.

    If you try the keto diet, give it some time to work. It can take the body weeks to become fully fat adapted, so don't quit if you aren't seeing results in a few days. And, of course, talk to a doctor before starting any kind of diet or lifestyle change.

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    This post was produced by FaceDragons and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

    How A Food Scale Can Make Following The Keto Diet So Much Easier

    kitchen scale weighing oats 

    If you're following the ketogenic diet, odds are you're prepping your food in advance. This extremely low-carb diet is simple to follow if you are accustomed to cooking most of your meals at home, considering eating out can quickly knock you out of ketosis due to sneaky sugars in marinades, salad dressings, sauces, and beverages. But keto-friendly fast foods and drink options are out there. This fat-focused diet is taking the world by storm, and adherents report weight loss benefits and more consistent energy levels. However, there are a few things to consider when starting such a drastic lifestyle change.

    According to NuTrail, portion control is a huge factor in your success on the ketogenic diet. Many assume that as long as you're staying within the realm of allowed foods, the amount you consume doesn't matter because your body is in its fat-burning phase. However, overeating can prevent you from losing weight and even halt ketosis if you're not careful. Eating mindfully and for the sole purpose of fueling your body is essential because, let's face it, too much of a good thing can turn into a not-so-good thing. A food scale is a perfect tool to help with portion control and accelerate your progress.


    According to Perfect Keto, owning a food scale can take the guesswork out of how much you're supposed to consume at each meal and can even make it easier to utilize cookbooks that list their ingredients in grams. As a beginning ketogenic dieter, eyeballing the perfect portion size doesn't come naturally and can put you at risk of overeating. Sometimes all it takes is one extra tablespoon of peanut butter, and boom, you're back to square one.

    According to Harvard's School of Public Health, when looking at an average 2,000-calorie diet, a good rule of thumb is to consume a total of 165 grams of fat, 75 grams of protein, and 40 grams of total carbohydrates per day. Using a food scale and entering your data on sites such as CalorieKing can help track your calories and macronutrients, giving you a better understanding of what a ketogenic-portioned plate looks like. After a while, food portions will come naturally to you, and you'll be less reliant on the scale. After all, it's not sustainable to weigh every single thing you eat for the rest of your life.

    Read this next: 17 Keto Side Dishes That Are Perfect For Your Next Dinner Party

    8 Foods To Avoid On The Keto Diet

    By Jordan Summers-Marcouillier of Eat This, Not That! | Slide 1 of 9: he keto diet is a hyper-specific and niche eating regimen involving minimal to no carbohydrates alongside a fairly low daily overall calorie intake. In recent years, the ketogenic diet—or "eating keto"—has become extremely popular, and its potential efficacy continues to be widely studied. If you're considering or have decided to take this diet path, knowing what not to eat may end up influencing how well your body adapts and changes in accordance with the results you seek, if at all."Some of the pros of the diet are that people do lose weight and oftentimes pretty quickly," explains Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics. "While many people lose weight on the keto diet, it does not necessarily mean it is good for you. Many keto-diet lovers eat very little fiber, which is essential for proper gut and heart health."Prioritizing dietary fiber is great and can contribute to a healthy and well-functioning digestive system. That being said, balancing nutrients like protein and healthy fats, while on keto will be most crucial in giving your body what it needs. High protein foods facilitate your body's fat-burning process, as it burns more calories to digest. And on the other hand, eating more healthy fats (in moderation, of course) can make your body feel fuller for longer, which is a great resource in trying to lose weight in a healthy way.Before you jump into this type of diet, it's beneficial to know what foods do not fall under the umbrella of acceptable keto items to eat. So, without further ado, these are 8 foods you should avoid when sticking to the keto diet.Read the original article on Eat This, Not That!

    he keto diet is a hyper-specific and niche eating regimen involving minimal to no carbohydrates alongside a fairly low daily overall calorie intake. In recent years, the ketogenic diet—or "eating keto"—has become extremely popular, and its potential efficacy continues to be widely studied. If you're considering or have decided to take this diet path, knowing what not to eat may end up influencing how well your body adapts and changes in accordance with the results you seek, if at all.

    "Some of the pros of the diet are that people do lose weight and oftentimes pretty quickly," explains Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics. "While many people lose weight on the keto diet, it does not necessarily mean it is good for you. Many keto-diet lovers eat very little fiber, which is essential for proper gut and heart health."

    Prioritizing dietary fiber is great and can contribute to a healthy and well-functioning digestive system. That being said, balancing nutrients like protein and healthy fats, while on keto will be most crucial in giving your body what it needs. High protein foods facilitate your body's fat-burning process, as it burns more calories to digest. And on the other hand, eating more healthy fats (in moderation, of course) can make your body feel fuller for longer, which is a great resource in trying to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Before you jump into this type of diet, it's beneficial to know what foods do not fall under the umbrella of acceptable keto items to eat. So, without further ado, these are 8 foods you should avoid when sticking to the keto diet.


    Our Source:- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086880774548


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